In the recent past when you mentioned anything about bikes to your friends, what came to their mind was the conventional bikes we were all used to.
Well, not anymore the biking scene has since changed. We are now in the age of the electric bike. Or what is fondly referred to as e-bike.
The e-bikes are here with us and are going nowhere. In fact according, according to recent data from Forbes Magazine electric bike usage is on a spike. By 2023 e-bike sales are set to reach 40 million sales.
Now, the purpose of all that data is to highlight the fact the e-bikes are here with us.
They going nowhere. Which leads us to an important aspect of e-bike.
How to ride them.
Riding these bikes are a bit different than conventional bikes. For you use them effectively you have to learn how to ride them properly.
While the conventional bike is all about pedaling and brakes, the bike has additional features that call for training on how to use them.
For instance, it has an auto assist that must be controlled effectively for safe use.
For you to competently learn how to ride a bike, we will also take you through the process, the advantages of learning, and the safety tips to observing when learning to ride an e-bike.
Let dive in and learn more. Shall we?
Learning How To Ride an Electric Bike

Getting to learn your way around with e-bike for the first time can be a nervous experience. However, it becomes thrilling as you get used to learning ropes.
Before you learn more about riding bikes you should know their different classes. This classification is to differentiate the levels of riding competence.
- Class1: the motor works as you start riding and stops once the bike reaches the speed of 20mph
- Class2: this one comes with pedal assist abilities of up to 20mph. In addition, it has a throttle powered mode.
- Class 3: has a pedal-assist ability. This pedal assistance though goes farther up to 28mph.
As a new rider, you will start in class one moving upwards towards class three as your experience increases. Class three bikes are faster and have more power.
Before you take your first step on the learning to ride the bike you need to understand the working of the controls of the e-bike.
The e-bike display
In most e-bikes models the display has three buttons. The top button is for turning on and off. Pressing the middle button increases the speed of the pedal assist.
Applying pressure on the bottom button will decrease the bike’s speed. Learning how to ride it is as simple as knowing how to control the display buttons and other pedals and off you go.
Conventional bike vs ebike
It is much easier for a beginner if you have had some knowledge of riding the conventional bikes due to the required balancing atop the bike
So far you have learned how to ride an e-bike. But then what advantages do you have in learning how to ride e-bikes?
Let us find them out below.
Advantages of learning to ride e-bikes

1. Workouts boosts
The ebike has an integration of technology with normal biking. The pedal-assisted riding helps to reduce muscle stress on the knees and thighs.
So when learning how to ride you say goodbye to straining on hilly terrains. Learning to ride ebike is not restricted with age. Both young and old people can learn how to ride with ease.
What’s more, in a recent study it was found that when you ride an e-bike you get the same exercise benefit as the conventional bike.
And the reason is that although in learning to ride an ebike you are pedal-assisted the effect on your body is the same. Therefore is a boost in your physical and mental health even older people.
2. Cut back expenses
Learn how to ride your e-bike and reduce your household budget. You cannot compare learning how to ride ebike with learning to drive. The cost is generally low. Even after mastering how to ride you will tremendously cut down on expense.
We all know how the cost of gas has skyrocketed in most countries. The skills you learned in riding an e-bike comes hardy.
You can just pick your ebike and a grocery basket and just whizz through the streets as you go for your grocery trips. Obviously, that adds more boost to your grocery budget.
3. Ecofriendly

The eco buzz words now are “nature friendliness”. The pollution emission level by ebike is much lower in ebikes than in cars.
An average car uses about 15000 watts while an e-bike only takes about 150 watts. Learn how to ride bikes and contribute to the future of our planets.
Allow me to explain…
While you may take a little amount of time and effort your impact on nature is enormous.
Individually, we can change the course of our universe by talking small short efforts such as learning to ride an ebike and actually riding it instead of fumes emitting vehicles.
4. Builds confidence
Learning how to ride with a conventional bike is challenging. You need to learn how to balance the pedals while still aware of the need for other controls such as brakes.
While you can argue the same happens with the ebike, the pedal assist makes a lot of difference in the learning curve.
With the e-bike you know are pedal-assisted. That is a huge morale booster. It builds confidence, that the bike motor assist has your back literally. Another thing is you have full control of momentum from the get-go.
5. Wide variety of choices
The conventional bikes are limited in the creativity of designs. The models in the market are more or less similar
With e-bikes, you are not restricted when it comes to designs.
There are the cargo bikes, those with slim wheels, the 20-inch fat wheel. With these choices also comes your versatility in the learning experience.
You can choose to learn with any of the varieties in the market for faster confidence. You are not restricted by the make of the bike.
6. Learning is fun

As a first time biking learner, the tension is palpable.
Everything is manually operated. You are hesitant. With the controls the e-bike learning is different. You have the back up of pedal-assist automation.
You can learn to ride while still enjoying the surroundings.
Compared to conventional bikes you don’t have much time to learn to ride. With a little determination, it’s fun. If you put some effort you find yourself whizzing around the city as you go for various errands.
7. Saves time
Learning how to ride an ebike is a no-sweat experience.
Well, not exactly. The point compared to the conventional bike to you can go to train in a longer distance, farther from home or work.
The reason is you know your distance back is covered by the automation. The conventional bikes are more tiring. With an e-bike, you can have a rest in and smell some roses on your way.
It’s a breeze.
It’s known that your learning experience is much more awesome when you are not worried about your journey back home in your training.
Now so much for the advantages of learning how to ride an e-bike. While its fun to ride ebikes, you will not just learn any place without a care. There are precautions you need to consider for your own safety.
Is learning to ride an electric bike dangerous than a conventional bike?
The answer is yes and no. If you go out in the open busy road, as a novice, you will be knocked out cold.
Not to sound like scaremongering, the dangers are there for you as a new rider, but they can be mitigated when you decide to learn responsibly. In other words, take the required precautions and you will be fine.
Tips for safe learning how to ride an e-bike
6 tips to help you ride your ebike:
1. Don’t pass other road users at high speed

In some countries, electric bikes are called “silent killers”. The motor-driven bikes move silently. If you are learning how to ride an ebike you are most likely to hit a pedestrian.
Many are the times when pedal cyclists may try to pass the motor-driven bike without knowing he will make a quick maneuver. As a learner, it is important to go at a slow speed.
2. Be visible
Many times riders assume because they can see other road users, they can be seen too.
Often times that’s not true. In some countries, it’s a requirement that you wear certain marked clothing to identify you as a trainee rider. It’s important that you wear reflective jackets too to be visible by other road users.
3. Your helmet is important

This cannot be overemphasized. The helmet is essential when learning how to ride an electric bike. While the bikes are relatively safe, remember you are still learning the ropes.
Accidental falls are not uncommon for learners. You need to reduce the impact of the fall when it eventually happens.
In a study conducted by Piet de Jong, a professor of actuarial science in Macquarie University found that bike accidents injuries can be tremendously reduced by making wearing helmets compulsory. It is even more dangerous for learning riders.
4. Discipline
New ebike learners are carried away by the excitement of the new “acquired powered”.
They start joking around forgetting what they are using is no less dangerous than a motorcycle, or any other motor-powered device. Self-discipline is key to your safety when learning how to ride your ebike
5. Beware of wide-open throttle position
It can happen that your bike can get stuck in a wide-open position without warning. It happens. And its a dicey situation for new riders. Make sure your bike is equipped with an effective hydraulic brake this happens. Alternatively, you should consider having an emergency cut off.
6. Obey regulations
This is a no brainer. Don’t assume you are a mere bike. As an electric motor vehicle user, you are moving at a higher speed. You should stop at the red light like the drivers. Moreover, as somebody learning how to ride an ebike you should avoid busy streets and roads until you are fully competent to use them.
Wrapping up
We have walked you through the process of learning how to ride an ebike. We also found that while it is still a bike we highlighted some benefits you gain in learning to ride it.
Don’t get the excitement of learning to ride your new bike overtake you, though. And that’s why we gave you very incisive safety tips. Now go ahead and grab whichever is your favorite electric bike and learn to ride.