Arcimoto fleet of new electric vehicles brings us closer to a more sustainable and fun future. Who says you can’t have it all? With Arcimoto you have the means to use electrically powered cars in your everyday life without sacrificing convenience, speed or anything else old-fashioned cars have to offer.
With Arcimoto you can forget about driving polluting, expensive and, quite honestly, unnecessarily oversized cars of today.
Fight global warming and have fun? Arcimoto says you can. Drive small EVs and maximize efficiency? Arcimoto says hell yeah! Clean energy is in demand and so are electric vehicles which can be proved by a rapid rise in sales.
You can choose between three different Arcimoto models depending on your specific needs. It doesn’t matter whether you live by the beach and just want to cruise around or you are trying to use them for your delivery business operation – Arcimoto electric fleet has got you covered.
So, now that we’ve got your attention, let’s dive into the Arcimoto world of fun electric vehicles. Prepare your wallet, because you will be amazed.
Arcimoto Company
Arcimoto is an Oregon-based company that manufactures and sells electric vehicles all in their own factory in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Their team of engineers continuously designs and develops these unique-looking three-wheeled e-vehicles. In order to sustainably fight pollution and make a meaningful contribution to the climate change fight, Arcimoto decided to not only sell but also rent out their EVs in several locations on the east and west coast, USA. For new exciting updates please follow Arcimoto social media accounts. Additional concept prototypes are in the works, and we are looking forward to new reveals soon.
Arcimoto FUV – The Fun Utility Vehichle
FUV is Arcimoto’s flagship model. It is not quite a car, but not a motorcycle either. The steering is similar to a motorcycle’s, incredibly easy. It really feels like you are outside, on a motorcycle. But, you feel safer, more stable, and more comfortable. We guess you can call it the future EV.
It is a three-wheeled, two-seat beast that is competent and more importantly allowed to even go on the highway. Along with two riders, there is still enough room for two bags of groceries. This is simply amazing for city life. FUV is an ultra-efficient vehicle that combines fun and daily utility.
Arcimoto founder Mark Frohnmayer:
“It brings smiles to all who get to experience it.”
FUV Specifications
- FUV is a front-wheel drive EV, with dual electric motors.
- Innovative reverse trike design
- Riding position – forward-weighted body
- Speed – 75 mph (121 km/h)
- Instant torque and acceleration
- Range – 100 City Miles per charge
- Li-ion batteries will last up to 8 years
- Integrated charger uses standard 110v or 220v wall outlet
- No fast-charging options
- Fuel economy – 173.7 City MPGe
- Brakes – three hydraulic disc brakes, one for each wheel plus a parking brake. Regenerative assistance.
- Weight – 1300 pounds
- Height – 65 inches (1651 millimeters)
- Length – 113 inches
- Turning circle – 29 feet
- Direction – Forward & Reverse w/40-Degree Turning

- Panoramic roof
- Removable doors
- Heated seats and grips (optional)
- Full windshield wiping and washing systems for visibility
- Criss-Cross seatbelts
- Bluetooth speakers
- Lockable rear storage
- Optional – phone mount and cup holder
- Price – starting at $17,900
- Warranty – 3-year / 36,000-mile
- 24-hour roadside assistance (under warranty)
Arcimoto Roadster
Roadster is a variant of FUV without the roof. Think of it as a step toward the racing motorcycle – you can experience the fun, sport handling, the torque, while having stability and safety, as well. It is still useful because it carries two people and therefore, energy-efficient.
Riding a roadster is thrilling, and the most fun you’ll have on a freeway. For people who can’t get themselves on a motorcycle, this is an excellent solution, and it really opens up a whole new world.
For riders from California and Florida, riding without a roof to protect you from the elements may be desirable, but for other parts of the United States, we advise considering the FUV.
Arcimoto Deliverator
Deliverator, as its name suggests is a one-seater electric vehicle intended for delivery businesses. One seat can be occupied by the driver/delivery man and the back seat is replaced by larger cargo space.
Carrying capacity – over 300 lbs/15 cubic feet
Deliverator is an awesome solution for crowded cities with limited parking space. It is relatively small so you can park it anywhere and deliver without problems where there is a limited access area. With a big cargo truck or even standard delivery vans are not the best solution all the time.
Deliverator is also a lot cheaper to drive because it doesn’t need tons of gas. You can make more rounds with a deliverator for the same price.
Rent a FUV
Arcimoto genuinely wants to help bring EVs to everybody. If you are unsure about purchasing one of their vehicles, you should take advantage of this unique rental opportunity. Arcimoto offers FUVs for rent in three US states so far – Oregon, California and Florida.
This is a great idea for travelers who want to explore a city, enjoy the fine weather, and have a blast at the same time. Simply go to their website and choose your location. The next step is booking a ride for as low as $30 per hour. We believe that vehicle sharing is an excellent idea not only in tourist hubs but for everyday usage in the near future.

Arcimoto Safety
All-electric vehicles are inspected by Arcimoto Quality Assurance and Quality Control teams. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are met.
Steel roof – meets the automotive FMVSS 216a standard for roof crush resistance.
Wheels – two front and one back, giving it a sufficiently stable platform.
Seatbelts – harness system. Seats include dual 3-point safety seatbelts, with welded seatbelt anchorages.
Safety is everybody’s concern – in traffic especially. The idea of a three-wheeled vehicle doesn’t bring up the idea of a safe journey first to mind. But, wobbly cars of the past are miles away from Arcimoto’s stable fleet. FUV and the others are as stable as standard cars and shouldn’t be mixed up with motorcycles, just because they are missing a wheel.
Business Wire reported the latest news (July, 8 2021) about the updated classification of EVs in the US states of Florida, Hawaii and Louisiana. Now, you are allowed to drive Arcimoto electric vehicles with a standard driver’s license. This ruling endorses further development and usage of all EVs.
Mark Frohnmayer, Arcimoto Founder and CEO called these changes as common sense push forward:
“This will remove a needless hurdle to both own and rent an FUV, which is stable by design and requires no special skills to operate, with simple controls that can be easily learned before your first drive. “
Arcimoto’s Frohnmayer also added:
“We are especially stoked to increase our rental presence in tourist destinations in each of these states, which would provide zero-emission alternatives to the many thousands of gas-powered, CO2-emitting scooters, motorcycles, and three-wheelers that tourists rent every day. We believe electrifying vehicles for renters will make a meaningful impact on air quality and carbon emissions, and provide easy access to try a pure-electric joyride unlike anything else on the road today.”

Future Arcimoto Projects
In the future, Arcimoto wants to introduce autonomous electric vehicles. We can expect to have the possibility of ordering an EV on our phone and our car will just roll up. You can literally just hop in and go. Also, electric taxis and rental possibilities in cities are being considered.
Arcimoto is working on projects like Cameo (with a reversed back seat for filming purposes) and a flat-bed pickup truck.
Additionally, we learned through Business Wire about a collaboration between Arcimoto and Lightning Motorcycles.
“Built on the platform of the Lightning LS 218 and outfitted with Arcimoto’s patented tilting trike technology, the new electric bike will look to set the record for a fastest three-wheel motorcycle at Bonneville.”
The prototype will be showcased as early as this July, 26 at the Portland International Raceway.

Final Thoughts
Arcimoto EVs are ultra-efficient, space-saving, and convenient to park everywhere. They are safe and easy to operate. Simple, motorcycle-like controls can be mastered by anyone in a matter of minutes.
We applaud the company’s ambitious efforts to produce more models and cut down prices which will bring their fleet of EVs closer to ordinary people.
The future will bring us electric trikes that can fly soon. We just have to put our trust in Arcimoto visionaries. They are trying hard to reshape our vision of modern-day cars. It doesn’t have to be a ton of steel and gallons of gas used by a single person going for a quick grocery run. A much lighter electric vehicle means a lighter footprint. We completely agree.
For now, we’ll leave you with Definder’s definition of a Rockstar parking that is guaranteed with Arcimoto’s FUV:
When you find an amazing parking spot in a crowded lot as if you were a Rockstar and it was saved just for you. It is the closest parking spot to your destination. Rockstar Parking spots are usually very hard to claim, as someone else most likely got there before you.
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